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Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to American Heritage Charter School!  In just a few short years, we have built an outstanding public school, spanning grades K through 12, that blends the best of traditional and cutting edge education. While academic rigor and discipline are at the heart of our mission, our values and the principles we strive to instill in our students are what truly set us apart. We believe this next year will be our best yet, and we look forward to building lasting relationships with our students, staff, and their families. We strive to give every student an equal opportunity to learn and to push each student to achieve their very best and reach their full potential.

This handbook includes a summary of the AHCS student policies and covers grades K through 12. Some policies may not be directly applicable to every grade, but it is AHCS’s intent to be conservative in including all policies.

AHCS does not discriminate on any basis prohibited by law, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious beliefs, physical and mental handicap or disability, economic or social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status or status as a homeless student.


Link to School Board Policy Manual (7/8/21)

AHCS Dress Code

Student appearance (clothing and grooming) significantly affects the way others respond to them. Since it is the duty of the Board of Directors to provide an educational atmosphere conducive to learning, minimizing disruptions or distractions, and to protect the health, safety, and morals of students, all students must abide by the uniform code of dress outlined by AHCS when the student is on any school premises or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location.

AHCS’s Uniform Code of Dress is outlined below, and may be changed by the Principal with approval from the Board at any time. Failure or refusal to abide by the Dress Code may result in progressive student discipline, up to and including suspension, expulsion, and/or disenrollment.

Dress Code

American Heritage Charter School
Board Approved Policy Binder


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